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KBMX20071108-152354HRE - BUG: Potřebuji zřídit O2 SMS Connector.
KBMX20071108-151559HRE - TIP: Certifikát pro instalaci připojení MobilChange pomocí O2_SMS_Connectoru
KBMX20071108-142335HRE - BUG: Při přístupu k SMS Web formuláři se ověřování na heslo neptá, a na vzdáleném ano (vyskočí dotaz na jméno/heslo).
KBMX20071108-140856HRE - FEATURE: Nefunguje windows autentifikace při ověřování uživatele nad webovým formulářem SMS
KBMX20071105-160901HRE - BUG:
KBMX20070919-105633HRE - FEATURE: Instalace MobilChange s MS Exchange 2007
KBMX20070509-094243HRE - BUG: Vyexpirování serverového certifikátu - O2_SMS_Connector (Eurotel_SMS_Connector)
KBMX20061130-151742RAS - BUG: Delivery reports not matched for O2 SMS connector
KBMX20060908-102240RAS - INFO: SMS aren't delivered to Nokia phones (mainly N6230i) in Telefónica O2 CZ network
KBMX20060815-135655RAS - BUG: GSM modules TC35 / MC35 with firmware 3.01 don't receive SMS
KBMX20060815-130620RAS - FIXED: Mobilchange with Eurotel SMS connector doesn't deliver SMS
KBMX20060627-113834RAS - BUG: MobilChange stops to send delivery reports and incoming SMS after applying Exchange hotfixes
KBMX20060414-140719RAS - INFO: SMS Forward service can not log on to mailbox
KBMX20060210-134142RAS - INFO: MobilChange and ISO-8859-2 encoding
KBMX20060202-131813RAS - INFO: Mobilchange processes can be run as an UMS.Taskmanager tasks
KBMX20051007-150534RAS - INFO: Using [GSM:number] syntax for SMS sending even after upgrade to MobilChange 4
KBMX20050922-125611RAS - INFO: End of Mobilchange support for Exchange 5.5 and older
KBMX20050829-110353RAS - FIXED: New meetings are created with time drift
KBMX20050622-130258RAS - BUG: Multiple SMS sending when using Eurotel SMS Connector
KBMX20050531-081839RAS - FEATURE: Eurotel SMS connector doesn't send SMS to wired phone
KBMX20050524-160551RAS - FIXED: Mobilchange installation on Windows 2003 + Exchange 2003 with Outlook 2003
KBMX20050516-130759RAS - CASE_STUDY: Setup and Mobilchange usage in big Exchange enterprise
KBMX20050512-130110RAS - BUG: MX kernel doesn't terminate slave processes on Windows 2003
KBMX20050509-155316RAS - INFO: Setup Mobilchange on Windows2003 with Exchange 2003 and Office 2000 installed
KBMX20040422-110251HOR - INFO: Installation of MobilChange onto Windows 2003 SBS
KBMX20040322-110251ZKu - TIP: Cost settings for SMS into wired phone network
KBMX20020530-110251HEL - INFO: 2N ISDN GSM gateway: Error "Module is not in PDU state, check Knowledge Base...."
KBMX20020124-163204BRO - INFO: How to send SMS from internet (using SMTP) via MobilChange with MS Exchange gateway (plus security warning)
KBMX20020123-110251HEL - INFO: List of error codes for GSM modems
KBMX20011123-151449HOR - BUG: Dr. Watson appears after MobilChange installation
KBMX20010831-101409DAN - BUG: Leased line SMSC driver delivers SMS with delay
KBMX20010808-132823HEL - TIP: MobilChange installation with Nokia 6210 phone
KBMX20010620-161508BRO - BUG: Mobile Connection for Notes: query for new messages sometimes return "No messages"
KBMX20010109-113133HOR - FEATURE: MobilChange logging
KBMX20001011-110719SAN - INFO: Problems with callendar when time is changing (winter/summer)
KBMX20000804-112129SAN - INFO: Changes in Lotus Notes gateway in UMS 2.1
KBMX20000803-185930BRO - BUG: Product can't be installed on computer with one or two letter(s) name
KBMX20000714-083937FLO - INFO: Common Nokia phones do not support the "get name of current network" function
KBMX20000712-121026SAN - INFO: Priority of delivery reports settings
KBMX20000314-144738BRO - INFO: GSM address is not visible in Outlook running off-line
KBMX20000223-093954SAN - INFO: Unsupported firmware version of GSM module (ex: Siemens M20)
KBMX20000114-202259ZEL - INFO: Installation on different computer with Office 2000 then computer running Exchange
KBMX19991108-160331BRO - FEATURE: How can internet users send e-mails to my SMS custom recipients?
KBMX19991108-153657BRO - TIP: How to create SMS custom recipients in MS Exchange/Active Directory correctly?
KBMX19991012-091722SEM - TIP: Trouble with setup on computer without Microsoft Exchange Server
45 record(s)

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