Datasys Knowledge Base Document

Knowledge Base index
Updated: 2006/08/15
Product: MobilChange
Version: 4.0
Service pack: no dependency
Area: HW driver
Category: FIXED
Problem: Mobilchange with Eurotel SMS connector doesn't deliver SMS

Problem description:

If you are using Mobilchange with Eurotel SMS connector, it may happen that after SMS sending user receives message, that SMS was sent to SMS center, but recipient this SMS never get (so sender also doesn't get final delivery report).
If you set Mobilchange to create log file, you find this information inside after SMS sending:

responseDescription=Zprava zaslana po terminu platnosti zkusebniho rezimu - EAPP_019 - Trial period has expired


This is not Mobilchange error - problem is caused by expiration of trial period of Eurotel SMS connect. Contact Eurotel representative to activate full service.

Further information:

From Mobilchange version 4.6.15 is SMS sender informed about this state too - Mobilchange sends him information text by e-mail as incoming SMS and error is logged into application log.


MobilChange, Eurotel SMS connector, trial period, EAPP_019

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