Datasys Knowledge Base Document

Knowledge Base index
Updated: 2000/10/11
Product: MobilChange
Version: 2.0
Service pack: no dependencies
Area: Other
Category: INFO
Problem: Problems with callendar when time is changing (winter/summer)

Problem description:

In the period of change summer/winter time (September - October) MobilChange - Mobile Connection for Outlook don't use the correct time (1 hour difference in Callendar etc.).


This is problem of old version of CDO.DLL library.
You can solve this problem by supplying this library with its latter version (in System32 folder).
You can obtain this CDO.DLL library for example from CD Exchange Server 5.5 Service Pack 3.

It must be at least 5.5.2650.12 version of this library (or latter).

Further information:

Problem will occur in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia only.


MobilChange,Other,letni zimni cas CDO.DLL posun MobilChange

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