Datasys Knowledge Base Document

Knowledge Base index
Updated: 2000/05/29
Product: MobilChange
Version: no dependency
Service pack: no dependency
Area: EX Gate
Category: FEATURE
Problem: How can internet users send e-mails to my SMS custom recipients?

Problem description:

If the cellular phones users have their SMS Custom recipients in Exchange directory (SMS contcts in Active Directory), it's possible to assign a SMTP internet address for them.

How then can a non-authorized users send SMS messages to them?


It's enough to set in registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datasys\MobilChange\global\system\
the item AllowInternetSenders to "1" (set to "0" after installation).

From this moment can internet users send their e-mails to your recipients, exactly said - SMS messages to your phones through MobilChange.

If you want to permit sending only to some selected internet users, make the same setting and in the MXUsermanager set the item User can use MX to "no" for *new* user.
The users added later automatically won't have the right to send SMS message and only administrator will have the right to permit it.

Further information:



EX Gate,MobilChange,Exchange,Internet,Custom recipient

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