Datasys Knowledge Base Document

Knowledge Base index
Updated: 2005/08/29
Product: MobilChange
Version: 4.0
Service pack: 4.0.39
Area: Mobile Connection
Category: FIXED
Problem: New meetings are created with time drift

Problem description:

When you are creating new meeting through Mobile Connection for Outlook (?cn comand), in very rare cases meeting can have shifted start time by one or two hours in dependency on winter/summer time. You can solve this problem from Mobilchange version 4.0.39.



If date in script file is older or mxcfosup.dll file is missing, you have old Mobilchange version.
Now restart Mobile Connection - restart UMS.Taskmanager service or disable Mobile Connection in umsTaskCfg, wait until it stops and enable it again. Now create for user, whose meetings are created with time drift , under registry key HKLM\Software\Datasys\Mobilchange\Outlook\users\<user's_mobile_phone> new text values StdCalOff - fill correction offset for winter time, SumCalOff - fill correction offset for summer time. Offset is in minutes, it is added to meeting start date and is sign sensitive.

Example: if meeting for user is created with drift of 2 hours forward in summer time and 1 hour in winter time, set StdCalOff = -60 and SumCalOff = -60 (valid for time zone GMT+01 - time zone of your server is also taken into consideration). If offsets don't exist in the registry or have empty values, no correction is done.

Further information:



Mobile Connection, MCO, meeting, time drift

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