Datasys Knowledge Base Document

Knowledge Base index
Updated: 2005/05/12
Product: MobilChange
Version: 4.0
Service pack: 4.0.35
Area: MX Kernel
Category: BUG
Problem: MX kernel doesn't terminate slave processes on Windows 2003

Problem description:

If your Mobilchange runs on Windows 2003 and you stop Mobilchange.Kernel service, its slave processes aren't terminated - they are still running and can not be stopped.

Situation is visible in Windows TaskManager - normaly 4 processes mxkernel.exe are running. When you stop Mobilchange.Kernel service, 3 of these processes remain running, although all should to stop. In Windows 2000 are terminated all of them.


Problem is in different behavior of some system functions in Windows 2003. Problem is repaired from Mobilchange version 4.0.35 - upgrade to this version.

Further information:



mx kernel, Windows 2003

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