Datasys Knowledge Base Document

Knowledge Base index
Updated: 2006/02/02
Product: MobilChange
Version: 4.0
Service pack: no dependency
Area: Setup
Category: INFO
Problem: Mobilchange processes can be run as an UMS.Taskmanager tasks

Problem description:

Mobilchange kernel is run as a Windows service after standard installation. But you can configure it to run as a set of tasks running under UMS.Taskmanager.


Stop and disable Mobilchange.Kernel service. In registry HKLM\Software\DATASYS\Mobilchange\system key change item UseUMSTaskManager from 0 to 1.

Now you must create new normal task for every kernel process using umsTaskCfg tools - usually there are three tasks (in, out, line). For every task use these parameters:

If you have more lines, define additional tasks with line lineX parameter, where X means line number. You can see settings for "in" process on the picture, settings for "out" and "line line1" are the same (they differs only be parameter following the mxkernel.exe).

Further information:

If you want to run kernel back as a service, simply disable all mentioned tasks, change UseUMSTaskManager from 1 to 0 and enable and start Mobilchange.Kernel service.


Mobilchange, UMS.Taskmanager, service, running, kernel

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