Datasys Knowledge Base Document

Knowledge Base index
Updated: 2000/07/12
Product: MobilChange
Version: 2.0
Service pack: no dependencies
Area: EX gtw
Category: INFO
Problem: Priority of delivery reports settings

Problem description:

You can set request for delivery reports of SMS (GSM) message in Outlook by more then one way (it aplies only to Exchange gateway).

For example:

  1. Properties of message (available in the new message - File/Properties) check box "Delivery receipt requested"
  2. Send Options of message (available in the new message - File/Properties/Send Options... - MobilChange tab) check box "delivery report..."
  3. Options... (available in the toolbar as "Options..." button) check box "Request a delivery report for this message"


Settings and priority of delivery reports delivering is implemented this way:

Further information:

Setting of delivery reports delivering according to points 1 or 3 (as mentioned above) are identical.


MobilChange,User interface,EX gtw

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