Datasys Knowledge Base Document

Knowledge Base index
Updated: 2001/06/20
Product: MobilChange
Version: 3.0
Service pack: without SP
Area: Mobile Connection
Category: BUG
Problem: Mobile Connection for Notes: query for new messages sometimes return "No messages"

Problem description:

 Query for new messages ("?m") in Mobile Connection for Notes sometimes returns "No messages", even if there are messages in inbox. Problem was found when client Lotus Notes application is not running.


Use "?m 0" (all messages from today), "?m 1" (all messages from yesterday) and so on instead of "?m" (all new messages).


Our application sometimes doesn't receive unread messages list from Domino server if client Lotus Notes program is not running.

@12 MobilChange,Mobile Connection,Notes,new emails,new messages


Further information:


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