Datasys Knowledge Base Document

Knowledge Base index
Updated: 2005/05/24
Product: MobilChange
Version: 4.0
Service pack: 4.0.36
Area: Setup
Category: FIXED
Problem: Mobilchange installation on Windows 2003 + Exchange 2003 with Outlook 2003

Problem description:

Problem with location of Simple MAPI MAPIResolveName function can arise during Mobilchange installation on Windows 2003 + Exchange 2003 when using Outlook 2003 as e-mail client.

Until now this function was searched in MAPI32.dll library and then (if not found) in library referenced by HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Mail\Microsoft Outlook\DLLPathEx registry value, see also KBMX20050509-155316RAS record.


From Mobilchange 4.0.36 was setup changed in this way:
Registry value HKLM\SOFTWARE\Datasys\UMS\info\installed\LegacyMAPI is read. If LegacyMAPI = "yes" or "1", original algorithm described above is used.
If LegacyMAPI doesn't exist or is not "yes" nor "1", this method is used:

If function is not found, error is reported.

Further information:

If you want to use older method of finding MAPIResolveName, set registry value HKLM\SOFTWARE\Datasys\UMS\info\installed\LegacyMAPI = "yes" (with no quotations) BEFORE installation. If value doesn't exist, create it.


Exchange 2003, Office 2003, Windows 2003, setup, MAPIResolveName

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