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MobilChange registry description

This document describes Mobilchange records in Windows registry.

All configuration of Mobilchange system is stored in this key.

Address and description of administrator. Information and error messages are sent to this address.
"language"="en" -> language of messages to be sent to the administrator
"name"="name surname"
"gateway"="s" -> according to e-mail system (s=SMTP, e=Exchange, l=Lotus Notes)

Configuration of database connection. Details are here.

Address and description of administrator. Information and error messages are sent to this address. Same values as in MobilChange\admin.
"name"="name surname"

Should be phone number repaired if it is in format different from international?
"normalize"="1" -> normalize number yes/no
"StatePrefix"="420" -> international number of your country

SMTP/POP3 gateway configuration
"sms_subdomain_mode"="1" -> 0 = addresses in form number@sms, 1 = number@sms.domain.xx - see sms_domain.
"addr_mode"="0" -> address formatting for outgoing SMP messages: 0=EMWAC/common mail server, 1=OpenMail
These values are valid for two following items:
US ASCII = 0, ISO 8859-1 = 1, ISO 8859-2 Latin-2 = 2, Windows CP1250 = 3, MS DOS Latin-2 (CP 852) = 4, CZ Kamenicky (CP 895) = 5, CZ MAC = 6, CZ KOI8CS = 7. See more at
"encoding_local"="3" -> code page used in Windows
"encoding_transport"="2" -> code page used in outgoing SMTP e-mails
"pop3_server"="" -> POP3 server, from which SMS for sending are read. If POP3 server runs on different port than standard 110 (e.g. 3110), enter it in form
"smtp_server"="" -> SMTP server where outgoing messages will be sent to.
"pop3_logon"="" -> login for POP3 server.
"pop3_password"="" -> POP3 passsword
"server"="SMS" -> local server name
"pop3_fullname"="" -> Email address from which are sent messages "from MobilChange"
"ForceUseCrLf"="0" -> 0=POP3 command will be terminated by LF, 1=POP3 command will be terminated by CRLF.
"out_addr_mode"="0" -> "SMS" address type for outgoing messages - 1=OpenMail (user@number.sms), 0=other ("username" <number@sms>)
"sms_domain"="" -> "your own" SMTP domain (see sms_subdomain_mode)

"AllowInternetSenders"="0" -> (Exchange gateway) Enable SMS sending for internet users through your Mobilchange? 1 enables SMS sending to users with SMTP address (non EX). See at and
"InternetSendersCauseSecWarning= "1" -> (Exchange gateway) In use when AllowInternetSenders=1; this value says if there is written "audit failure" record into eventlog for SMTP sender.
"AllowIMCEAaddress"="1" -> (Exchange gateway) In use when AllowInternetSenders=1; this value says if e-mails with IMCEA-... address format in To: (not translated by Exchange Internet Mail Connector) header are accepted.
"OnlyOneGateway-SendAllEmails"="1" -> should gateway send all e-mails or only those marked (for that gateway)? In case of using more gateways set "0" here.
"DefaultGateway"="s" -> Through which gateway will be sent e-mails what have gateway not specified exactly? Valid only when OnlyOneGateway-SendAllEmails=0.
"AllowAutoCreateUsers"="1" -> Enable automatic user creating (when e-mail arrives), 0 = disable.

"gw1"="2500" -> Time interval for checking for new messages (ms).
"exgw_maxmsgs"="10000" -> (Exchange gateway) Gateway will be autorestarted after reaching this number of messages (maintenance).
"exgw_maxtime"="7200" -> (Exchange gateway) Gateway will be autorestarted after reaching this time period (sec) (maintenance).

"@ commands" configuration for SMTP/POP3 and Lotus Notes gateways

Temporary setup variables.

There are translation tables stored in subkeys of this key between Mobilchange error states and individual languages, strings for date/time formatting and used code pages.

Here is a list of lines which are started by mxkernel. If you need to disable any line temporarily, simply delete it from the list.
"active"="line1,line2" -> Active lines.

Line configuration, see this document

Service log configuration.
"filelog"=dword:00000000 -> 1 = write log into file (folder \mobilchange\log).
"stdoutlog"=dword:00000001 -> 1 = write log to console (if MX runs in debug mode)
"EventLogFilter"=dword:00000004 -> Write only messages with priority higher than "4" into eventlog (it means warnings and errors)
"WriteStatLog"=dword:00000001 -> Write statistic log about outgoing traffic on individual lines - files \mobilchange\log\stat.<line name>.<YYYYMMDD>.csv are created.

Frequency of writing into service log.
"*"=dword:00000005-> Default value for applications which don't have set explicit value.
Some application values:

There is list of mobile phones in the subkeys, to which were SMS sent lately. If response arrives, From: field of SMTP messages is filled by "name" value.
See also system\WriteMobilInfo.
"expiration"=dword:0005a300 -> Time interval of keeping information about numbers where SMS were sent and their description.

Sample record for one phone:
"name"="David green"

Configuration of received SMS processing.

This key and subkeys provide linkage mobile number <-> mailbox, e.g. A sends message to 123; when SMS arrives from 123, it is delivered to A
"active"=dword:00000001 -> Should the number, where SMS was sent to, and sender's address saved for eventual reply?
"expiration"=dword:0002a300 -> Time of keeping this information in seconds.
"next"=dword:00000001 -> Should be message sent also to the default recipient, if automatic recipient is found? See receiving\public\
"delete_timer"=dword:000003e8 -> How often expired records will be deleted. Time unit is run-down of "out" process main-loop (see timing.out)

Default SMS recipient.
"name"="name surname"

Routing rules for incoming SMS. Detailed description can be found in this document. Use mxRouteCfg for rules definition.

Example of one routing rule:
"desc"="SMS->E-mail( text...)"
"body"="^#([^ ]+)[@*]([^ ]+) (.*)"

Here are lists of all texts which operator can return as Delivery/Nondelivery/Info Report in reaction to SMS sending. Description can be found here. Every operator has its own subkey.

"send_wait"=dword:00000001 -> If value is 0 and line supports DR, users aren't sent by "Your SMS was sent, we are waiting for delivery report from SMSC" email. Global setting - switches off for all users. Can be switched off per user in mxUserManager.
"timeoutdr_checkperiod" -> period of timeout checking for SMS waiting for DR, 900 seconds by default (valid since version 4.6.23)

Routing rules for outgoing messages, set by mxRouteCfg. See also here.

Routing example:
"priorities"="nl" -> Low and normal priority messages,
"recipient"=".*" -> sent to any number,
"line"="line1" -> go through line1 line.
"desc"="BMG" -> Rule description.

Statexport2 tool configuration, described here.

"WriteMobilInfo"=dword:00000001 -> Write information about mobile numbers where SMS are sent to. See mobil/
"DR_to_prio"=dword:00000000 -> 1 = if sent message has set "acquire Delivery Report", priority is set to "high".

Timing settings of individual components
"*"=dword:000001f4 -> how often proceeds activity of other (not exactly entered) processes
"dispatch"=dword:000007d0 -> dispatch: how often mxkernel checks running of individual processes
"in"=dword:000007d0 -> how often proceeds activity of "in" process
"out"=dword:000007d0 -> how often proceeds activity of "out" process
"line.line1"=dword:000007d0 -> how often proceeds activity of "line1" process

User table is stored here if database is not used. Every user has its own key named according his e-mail address. See also here.

Message "compresor" configuration - extra space deleter.
"whitesp"="20 0a 0d 09" -> What characters are spaces? Any number of "whitespace" characters will be replaced by single space.
"punctuation"=",.;\"!?-+=><()[]{}:-+@#$%^&*/\\" -> What characters are punctuation? Spaces after punctuation will be deleted.

WAP Connection for Outlook configuration

MobilChange WAP Gateway configuration

Translation of month names to month numbers. Used especially during text DR processing.

Mobilchange modules store here information how many SMS was received/sent.

SMS Reminder for Outlook configuration, including list of logged in users. Description available here.

SMS Forward/SMS Notification for Outlook application configuration. Description available here.

Mobile Connection for Outlook application configuration. Description available here.

Mobile Connection for Notes application configuration. Description available here.

Script application logging configuration. Description available here.

Translate tables for individual character coding.

Here you can store aliases, usable for SMS routing.

Here are stored enabled firmware revisions for individual hardware drivers. If GSM modem firmware version doesn't correspond to any version in the list, driver is not started.

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