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How to use MobilChange with database, SMS archivation |
Every user has its own subkey with name derived from user's email address. But you can switch Mobilchange to
store user's settings into MS SQL or Oracle database.
From Mobilchange version 4.6.09 you can select database type during setup (registry/ MS SQL/ Oracle) or change it after installation
using Mobilchange\setup\_database.cmd script (also Start menu - MobilChange - Configuration - Database setup).
When using database you can also archive SMS processed by Mobilchange (acording
to user settings). Database support is included only in ENTERPRISE version of Mobilchange and it is licensed as add-on.
Database support can be set also manually in HKLM/SOFTWARE/Datasys/Mobilchange/database
registry key. All settings
described here are related to this key.
IMPORTANT - to be able to use database you must have ADO at least version 2.6 installed on Mobilchange.
(valid if Mobilchange is installed in C:\MobilChange
- set according to reality). Set mode (REG_SZ) value to "0". Now restart Mobilchange.Kernel service."C:\MobilChange\bin\mxdbado.dll"
(valid if Mobilchange is installed in C:\MobilChange
- set according to reality). Set mode (REG_SZ) value to "1".
In ODBC_conn_string value (REG_SZ) set ODBC connection string for database connection in format
"DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=xxx;DATABASE=yyy;Trusted_Connection=yes"
, where set database server name instead of xxx and database
name instead of yyy. If Trusted connection is not used, value has format
"DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=xxx;DATABASE=%s;Uid=%s;Pwd=%s"
You must fill also service (replaces DATABASE), user (replaces Uid) and pass (replaces Pwd) values.
ATTENTION - pass value is encoded, so first start MobilChange\bin\EncPass.exe application and enter REAL password here.
In "Scrambled" textbox encoded password is displayed - THIS value must be entered into the registry (use clipboard to avoid overstrike).
In similar way set also conn_string, what is ADO connection string in format
"Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=xxx;Initial Catalog=yyy;Integrated Security=SSPI"
"Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=xxx;Initial Catalog=%s;User Id=%s;Password=%s"
Settings for Trusted connection are already prepared in Mobilchange\extended\registry\database_mssql.reg file, you need only
import the file into registry and set real values.
Before using it is necessary to create empty database on SQL server and some table inside - use prepared SQL scripts from
MobilChange\extended\sql\mssql. "Archiv.sql" creates SMS archive, "sql_user.sql" creates table for user's settings,
"defaults.sql" creates default users.
At the end restart Mobilchange.Kernel service.
(valid if Mobilchange is installed in C:\MobilChange
- set according to reality). Set mode (REG_SZ) value to "1".
In ODBC_conn_string value (REG_SZ) set ODBC connection string for database connection in format
"Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=%s;UID=%s;PWD=%s;"
You must
fill also service (replaces Server), user (replaces Uid) and pass (replaces PWD) values.
ATTENTION - pass value is encoded, so first start MobilChange\bin\EncPass.exe application and enter REAL password here.
In "Scrambled" textbox encoded password is displayed - THIS value must be entered into the registry (use clipboard to avoid overstrike).
The same rules are valid for filling conn_string value in format
"Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=%s;User Id=%s;Password=%s"
These settings are already prepared in Mobilchange\extended\registry\database_oracle.reg file, you need only import the file into
registry and set real values.
Before using it is necessary to create empty database on Oracle server and some table inside - use prepared SQL scripts from
MobilChange\extended\sql\oracle. Run them using sqlplus
in this way:
sqlplus "sys/your_password@database as sysdba" @mx_db_admin.sql
(quotations must be used!)sqlplus "MX/sms@database" @script_name
(quotations must be used!)
If you get message about error during opening the database at MxUserManager start, select do not close program and confirm all error messages.
Then select Setup - Database location in the menu. Leave "Mobilchange server settings used" in "Database location" field and press
ODBC Setup button. Here set Database type = Oracle and Selecting and reading data = Read data in two steps. Exit all dialogs
and MxUserManager will be functional.
If you encounter state when MxUserManager can not be started, delete HKCU\Software\Datasys\Mobilchange\MxUserManager
key and use procedure described above.
function in "" file - it must return
correct connection string to Mobilchange database.
NOTE - if you are using Oracle, web application can write message like this: "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed".
In such case use this action:
Go to your ORACLE_HOME folder (e.g. D:\Oracle\Ora92) in Windows Explorer, and pull up its properties. Then go to Security tab and select
the Authenticated Users group. The three permissions that should be checked are Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, and Read.
Uncheck Read & Execute then RE-Check it again to reset permissions for everything underneath. Just to be safe, go into the
Advanced settings and make sure that Authenticated Users has "This folder, subfolders and files" under the Apply To column. If not,
double click on it and change the drop down to say that. Then press OK.
Now restart "World Wide Web Publishing Service" (or reboot computer, if it doesn't help) and application should work.
It is suitable to enable access to the application only for appropriate users (admins, management) by setting IIS authentication.
Database of SMS messages can be viewed using the following filters:
Page only displays data, which can not be edited. When you click to date and time of the message, detail page shows. It contains all available data about message. Result of searching can be exported into CSV file.
Archive view:
Message details:
function in "" file - it must return
correct connection string to Mobilchange database. If you are using Oracle and application says "Provider cannot be found. It may not be
properly installed", use action described above.
Application allows database viewing and showing SMS cost for individual users and groups and number of SMS sent to individual phone numbers. Data can be showed using these views:
It is suitable to set access rights at IIS level to enable application using only to correct users (admins, management). Data in database can not be edited - application only displays them. It is possible to save displayed data into CSV file for another processing by pressing Export button.
MxUserView users:
MxUserView groups:
MxUserView recipients: