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MobilChange database structure

Mobilchange database contains two tables - mxUser with list of Mobilchange users and their settings and mxArch, where processed SMS messages are archived. If users are stored in the registry instead of database, SMS can not be archived and registry items for every user have the same meaning as in database. Data types are valid for MS SQL and MobilChange version 4.6.16 and higher.

If you have older version, you can update database using scripts from MobilChange\extended\sql\update_schema folder.

mxUser table structure

Item name Type Description

Basic items for Mobilchange

id integer, identity unique user ID
email varchar(255) e-mail address - database primary key: e-mail address for normal users; $Rregexp for regexp users; $Aappname for applications; $Ggroup for groups; if using registry, it is necessary to enter special characters in form %xx (xx is hexacode of char), otherwise value can be read in wrong way
account_type decimal(2) Record type: 0 = special user, 1 = mail user, 2 = application, 3 = group, 4 = RegExp user
gateway varchar(1) letter of gateway used for the user (reasonable only for mail users) [s,a,e,x,l]
mobile varchar(15) Mobile phone number, full international format with no spaces
password varchar(32) SMTP password
Ugroup varchar(20) Name of the group which user belongs to (including $G)
can_use decimal(1) Can user to use MX? [-1 = inherit from group, 0 = no, 1 = yes]
smtp_allowed decimal(1) Can user access SMTP receiver directly? [-1 = inherit from group, 0 = no, 1 = yes]
lang char(2) Language for the user or "*" to inherit from group
send_DR decimal(1) send DR to the user [-1 = inherit from group, 0 = no, 1 = yes]
send_NDR decimal(1) send NDR to the user [-1 = inherit from group, 0 = no, 1 = yes]
send_infomail decimal(1) send information about SMS sending to the user [-1 = inherit from group, 0 = no, 1 = yes]
max_len decimal(3) SMS length limit for the user; -1 = inherit from the group
nomodify decimal(1) always send this user's SMS as "nomodify" [-1 = inherit from group, 0 = no, 1 = yes]
priority decimal(2) Allowed priorites given by bitmask. Bits 1-0 low, 3-2 normal, 5-4 high; 00 = not allowed, 01 = allowed, 11 = inherit from group
allowed_numbers varchar(200) regular expression for allowed numbers; not allowed numbers are disabled; if "--" is here, setting is inherited from group
allowed_lines varchar(100) list of lines allowed for sending for this user (names separated by comma); or "*" for all lines; or "--" for inheriting from the group
user_source decimal(1) Source of this user: 0 = automatically created by mxKernel; 1 = synchronization with Exchange; 2 = synchronization with LDAP; 3 = manually created; 4 = manually created, then synchronized with LDAP
dont_save_text decimal(1) text of sent SMS archiving [-1 = inherit from group, 0 = archive, 1 = don't archive]
new_user decimal(1) user was created automatically or by synchronization and wasn't yet edited in mxUserM [0 = was already edited, 1 = wasn't yet edited]

Accounting and statistics

sum_sms decimal(12) total number of SMS sent by the user
sumcost float(53) Total cost of SMS sent by the user
day_limit float(53) Daily limit [money unit] or -1 = no limit, -2 = inherit from group
this_day float(53) Cost for SMS sent today [money unit]
month_limit float(53) Monthly limit [money unit] or -1 = no limit, -2 = inherit from group
this_month float(53) Cost for SMS sent this month [money unit]

Common informational items

i_display_name varchar(70) Display name - name and surname as received from e-mail system
i_name varchar(30) Name
i_surname varchar(40) Surname
i_user_id varchar(30) user ID
i_CostCode varchar(20) Cost center ID

Other informational items - for your own use, Mobilchange doesn't use them

x_phone_number varchar(20) User's phone number
x_fax_number varchar(20) User's fax number
x_email_rucne decimal(1) E-mail address was entered manually and and will not be changed during synchronization
x_division varchar(80) Division
x_department varchar(80) Department
x_job_desc varchar(80) Job title
x_street varchar(80) Street
x_city varchar(80) City

mxArch table structure

Item name Type Source Description
ID integer, identity DB Unique record ID
smtpmessID varchar(80) smtpreceiver (ctl) Smtp_Id from SMTP server.
sendersystem varchar(15) smtpreceiver (ctl) Sender indetification - IP address of the sender system
time_receive DateTime smtpreceiver (ctl) Time of message acceptance from previous server
time_send DateTime mxkernel - line Time of SMS sending into SMS center
time_delivered DateTime mxkernel - line time of SMS delivering to recipient's phone
priority varchar(1) ctl Message priority
dr decimal(1) ctl DR requested
nomodify decimal(1) ctl Don't modify the message
email_name varchar(30) ctl Sender
email_gateway varchar(1) ctl What gateway was sent through
email_email varchar(255) ctl Sender's address (exchange)
email_smtp varchar(255) ctl Sender's SMTP address - it is REAL address even if message was sent by regexp user
email_group varchar(15) mxkernel Name of user's group
phone_name varchar(30) ctl Name of recipient
phone_number varchar(30) mxkernel - out Recipient's phone in international format
SMS_text varchar(160) mx message body
SMS_PDU varchar(340) mxkernel PDU format of received SMS
text_not_saved decimal(1) mx If message text may not be stored (user's settings), 1 is here
in_out varchar(1) mxkernel SMS direction (received/sent)
user_app_id varchar(50) (ctl) ID for application systems
price float(53) mxkernel Cost for sending
email_billing_name varchar(255) mxkernel For sent SMS - e-mail address for mail users or regular expression for RegExp users
i_user_id varchar(50) mxkernel - DB User's ID (i_user_id from mxUser)
sms_binary decimal(1) mxkernel Is it binary SMS?
parted decimal(1) mxkernel SMS was created by splitting email message to more SMS?
part_partno decimal(3) mxkernel sequence number of this SMS inside of source mail; 1 if there is only one SMS from mail
part_parttot decimal(3) mxkernel total number of SMS from mail; 1 if there is only one SMS from mail
part_id varchar(16) mxkernel mail ID - shared for all SMS from mail (generated by kernel)
subject varchar(40) ctl mail subject - for searching purposes
line varchar(30) mxkernel line name, through which SMS was sent/received
status varchar(12) mxkernel message status: sent/ not sent/ under processing
i_CostCode varchar(20) mxkernel Cost center ID
STATUS_DETAIL varchar(30) mxkernel error description, if status = "not sent" and error description is known

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