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Line configuration

MobilChange Standard is able to utilize one line driver only (hardware or HTTPS connection, not direct connection to SMSC). MobilChange Enterprise can use more line drivers including direct connection to SMSC.
Mobilchange contains one line driver after setup; if you want to add another line (and your key allows it), run script _add_line.cmd in Mobilchange/setup folder (or select start menu - MobilChange - Configuration - Add new lines ...). When entering new line name, do not use wildcards like *, &, ?, but name can be any (line5, GSMgate1, O2Line).

The list of active lines is located in the registry key
under the active item with names of individual lines separated by commas.
Also DaySMSLimitDefault item is here with default value 1000. This is default daily limit of sent SMS count, which is inherited into individual lines, if they don't have already limit set.

The configuration of each line is in the key
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datasys\MobilChange\line\<line name>\]
(by default the line name is "line1") and consists of the following items:

The maximum length of an SMS in this system.
Cost of sending one SMS. Valid only if [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datasys\MobilChange\line\<line name>\nets] subkey doesn't exist, see next.
Items for formatting outgoing messages; for details click here.
Here is stored counter of already sent SMS in day, which is stored in DaySMSLimitDate item. If this counter reaches 50% of DaySMSLimit value, Mobilchange administrator is notified about this by e-mail. If this counter reaches 100% of of DaySMSLimit value, Mobilchange administrator is notified about this by e-mail and Mobilchange stops to send (and receive) any SMS. Reaching of both limits is written also into eventlog and UMS monitor. This is security function against sending of unlimited number of SMS (available from version 4.0.36) - e.g. because of error in script application etc. Administrative action is needed to make Mobilchange run again - you must increase daily limit (DaySMSLimit) or set sent SMS counter to zero and restart Mobilchange.Kernel service. In any case you should detect, why daily limit was reached.
If daily limit isn't reached during the current day, conter is reset next day (at first SMS sending) and mobilchange works normally.
Sent SMS daily limit. If this value isn't set during system startup, it is taken from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datasys\MobilChange\line\DaySMSLimitDefault value. When this limit is exceeded, Mobilchange stops to work.
Date for which sent SMS counter is monitored. (current date). If limit is exceeded and Mobilchange stops, date of limit exceeding is stored here.
A minimum delay (in seconds) that is necessary between two SMS messages sendings to the same number (due to assigning of delivery reports); if DR determines time a message was sent with the accuracy of one minute, one SMS following another must be sent at least after three minutes in order to avoid incorrect pairing.
Text for asking the SMS center to send DR/NDR. It is put at the beginning of the message.
A driver name (a DLL name with the driver in MobilChange/bin/drv/).
0 = the network does not support DR
1 = delivery time is in DR
2 = the sent time is in DR (or also delivery time)
Switches on cooperation with driver implemented in different process (so called JavaDriver) by writing value 1.
The maximum difference between the sent time in DR and the time an SMS was actually sent, so that  DR could be attached to the message.
Display name of the line
Enables to switch off kernel preprocessing for JavaDriver by writing value 0.
The SMS center number
The international prefix of the country without + or 00 (i.e. for CR it is 420)
Switches suffix support for this line on / off (1/0)
How long should a message wait for a DR/NDR/INFO message after it was sent (in seconds). At least an INFO message should come within the set time; if not, the message will stop waiting for DR and the user will be sent information about the confirmation loss.
If after the last INFO message comes no new INFO or DR message within timeout_info seconds, the message will stop waiting for a DR and the user will be sent information about the confirmation loss.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datasys\MobilChange\line\<line name>\driver]
Here are some additional settings for line driver. Some important values:

Application phone number (O2 SMS connector driver only)
Path and filename of certificate for O2 SMS connector
MSISDN phone number for O2 SMS connector
Pin for SIM card, if you are using GSM HW device
Port, where GSM HW device is connected to
Path and filename of private key for O2 SMS connector
Password for private key of O2 SMS connector
If connection to SMS center is not created during this time period (in seconds), line state is changed to "failure".
Sets O2 SMS connector behavior:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datasys\MobilChange\line\<line name>\nets]
Configuration of sent SMS costs.
Configuration stored here takes precedence over cost value in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datasys\MobilChange\line\<line name>].

cost = 1.50
Default cost per SMS into unknown networks.
0_numbers = "(^420603.+)|(^420604.+)|(^420605.+)|(^42073.+)|(^420608.+)|(^42077.+)"
Network 0 definition (T-Mobile CZ and Vodafone CZ here).
0_cost = 1.50
Cost per SMS into network 0.
1_numbers = "(^420602.+)|(^420606.+)|(^420607.+)|(^42072.+)"
Network 1 definition (O2 CZ here).
1_cost = 0.85
Cost per SMS into network 1.

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