SMS sending configuration
How Does Sending of SMS Messages Take Place?
This document describes the process of sending an SMS message and how it can be configured by the administrator.
Messages are sent in the following steps:
After you change the configuration, the MobilChange.Kernel service must be restarted.
Search of a Suitable Send Line
This part of the documentation is provided for general information purposes.
If you want to edit routing rules of outgoing SMS messages, use
MobilChange can attend to more than one line 1).
When sending an SMS, you need to specify which outgoing line will send
the message.
The routing table for outgoing messages is in the registry key:
This key contains sub keys with individual routing rules. The sub key
name must be a number. This number determines the priority of the given
rule. Routing rules are evaluated in the alphabetical order, e.g. "1",
"10", "2", "20", "200", "201", "3"... So another rule can be inserted between
any two rules.
Each routing rule contains the following items:
Regular expression (or several comma separated expressions).
Also an alias can be here. If an
expression (any of several expressions) is met, the
rule can be applied. Examples:
all recipients
T-Mobile CZ, i.e. numbers 420603xxxxxx, 420604xxxxxx and the SMS Service
number 4616 (without a prefix). Warning! Numbers are always processed
in the international format without "+" at the beginning, i.e. number 603899285
of the T-Mobile CZ network is processed as 420603899285.
the Tmobile group alias
The list of priorities which are valid for this rule. The letters used
are h, n and l. If a rule should apply to all priorities,
enter hnl.
The name of the line through which an SMS should be sent, if the recipient
and priorities rules are met.
1) MobilChange Standard can operate one hardware driver only.
MobilChange Enterprise can operate several hardware drivers.
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Message Editing (adding of headings)
If you do not choose the option that disables editting messages in send-options, headers and footers are added to sent SMS messages.
The configuration of the customization is located in the
line configuration, i.e. for the default installation in the key
The appearance of the final message depends on the following items:
The header of the first SMS created from one e-mail.
The header of the last SMS created from one e-mail.
The headers of the second and all following SMS messages created from this
e-mail. If an e-mail fits in a single SMS, it is not applied.
The footers of the first to last but one SMS created from one e-mail. If the
e-mail fits in a single SMS, it will not be applied.
Each item can contain text which will be attached to the beginning/end
of an SMS message. It can also contain variables written as %variable_name%
which will be substituted by its value for a given SMS.
The list of available variables:
Number of the current SMS
The total number of SMS messages
The sender's SMTP address
The sender's name
The message subject
You can also use simple logical expressions which for example add in an SMS
only those items which are relevant. The expression format is as follows:
["expression 1"=="expression 2";"output"]
["expression 1"!="expression 2";"output"]
A semicolon is preceded by a condition. If the condition is met
(i.e. with "==" both expression are identical, with "!=" they are different),
"output" will be inserted. If the condition is not met, nothing will
be inserted. I.e. for the expression:
["%sms_max%"!="1";"1/%sms_max% "]
the text 1/N will be inserted in the message, if it is the
first SMS from, but no text will be inserted, if the e-mail was converted
into a single SMS.
The standard installation includes this formatting string:
["%sms_max%"!="1";"1/%sms_max% "]F:%from_email% ["%subject%"!="";"S:%subject%-"]
from which the following message headings may originate:
1/3 S:invitation-message text
if the e-mail spreads over three SMS messages and contains a subject
- S:invitation-message text
if the e-mail fits in a single SMS and contains a subject
1/3 message text
if the e-mail spreads over three SMS messages and does not have a subject
- message text
if the e-mail fits in a single SMS and does not have a subject
If you use these expressions, you can shorten the text in the heading to
a maximum level, thus saving valuable space in an SMS.
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