SMS Forward for Outlook - administration
SMS Forward for Outlook allows the users to forward selected (filtered)
e-mails to their cell phones automatically. Filtering sets the user himself
in the MS Outlook environment, forwarding is processed by the server and
therefore is working even the user has his computer switched off.
SMS Forward for Outlook is installed within
Mobile Connection for Outlook installation.
The application runs as a service on the same server as MobilChange is
installed. All informations for service administrating are located in the
registry of the computer where the service is running. These informations
are being read by the start of the service so if some change has to be
visible, it is needed to stop the service, make the changes and the
service set started again.
MS Exchange service mailboxes
The service offers two types of forwarding incoming mails to cell phones
in form of SMS messages. The first type is a full forward of a mail and
it is limited only by the maximal number of SMS messages the mail can be
divided (parameter of MobilChange server). The second is a notification
about incoming message and is limited to the one SMS message. For all types
of forwarding is needed to create own service mailbox on MS Exchange
server. Recommended names are:
MobilChange SMS Forward / Mx_Forward_%server% (display name), mxsmsforward (alias) - for a full forward,
MobilChange SMS Notify / Mx_Notify_%server% (display name), mxsmsnotify (alias) - for a notification.
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Service activity
The target is to forward selected (filtered, by user conditions) incoming
mails to cell phones. For this purpose, users have to create new rules
in their mail clients to forward selected mails in the form attachment to
the one of service accounts (according to the selected type of forward).
Described in the document Automatic new e-mail notifications and autoforwarding (SMS Forward).
Service activity lays in regular incoming mail check (the interval is
possible to set up in registry – as follows in this document). If is found
some unread message, the service firstly finds the informations about
the sender – service user, his phone number and the message content
formatted into a SMS message is forwarded to him. After this is the message
deleted from the service mailbox (in the user's mailbox stays as unread).
User's mailboxes, who want to use this service, has to have correctly set
their cell phone number (item Mobile). The cell phone number MUST
be in the international format, with the plus "+" at the beginning and
without any space!
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Registry items
All registry items of the service are located:
- AdminName - administrative mailbox used for service mailboxes connection.
- DictList - list of dictionaries (*.dll) used to translation (editing)
outgoing messages for purpose of SMS.
- ForwardBox - name of service mailbox on MS Exchange server,
created for purpose of full mail forward.
- ForwardProfile - doesn't exist by default. If it exists, use Outlook profile specified here instead of user in ForwardBox
for logging on to service mailbox.
- Interval - interval (in milisec.) in which incoming mail is checked.
This item is optional. Default value is 1000 milisec. = 1 second.
- Log - value 1 forces SMS Forward to write information about its work into logfile under
File has name in format YYMMDD_smsfw.log. If value is missing or is equal to 0, nothing is logged.
- MailServer - name of the server where MS Exchange is
located. This item is optional. If does not exist, is used the name of the
computer where the service is running.
- MaxSMSLen - maximal length of one SMS message. Used in case of mail
notification, where the outgoing text is shorten to this length. Default value
is 160 chars.
- MxServer - name of the server where MobilChange is located and
the service is installed.
- NotifyBox - name of service mailbox on MS Exchange server,
created for purpose of incoming mail notification.
- NotifyProfile - doesn't exist by default. If it exists, use Outlook profile specified here instead of user in NotifyProfile
for logging on to service mailbox.
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