SMS Reminder for Outlook administration
Application runs in UMS.TaskManager context on the same server where Mobilchange is set up.
All information for administration of application are located in the registry.
Function of application
Goal is to send reminder message about oncoming event to all logged in users.
Service checks at regular intervals calendars of logged in users and examines events which start at defined future time.
If reminder is set on, then it checks if reminder time falls into interval from last check (typically current time, but after some
outage this time can be very different from current time) to time horizon of the following check. If yes, event is processed and SMS is
sent (1 event = 1 SMS). Processed time horizon is stored for next check.
Registry values
All values are stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datasys\MobilChange\smsrmnd\
registry branch
- DictList - list of libraries (*.dll) for translation calendar data into SMS. Optional value. If not set, no
translation is done.
- CheckedTime - Time horizon in which events were examined. Binary data (8 bytes) represents DATE type structure.
Value is automatically administered by service. if deleted, current time is taken and set here. It can be usefull after long time outage
of server (or service), when giving notice of events in the past is inapplicable.
- Interval - Interval (in seconds) for decision if to send notification SMS or not.
If (time of meeting reminder set in Outlook - current time) is less than Interval and meeting wasn't reminded yet, then
notification SMS is sent, in other case is not sent.
Optional value. Default value 300 sec = 5 minutes.
- Log - Value 1 forces SMS Reminder to write information about its work into text file in
File has name in format YYMMDD_smsrmnd.log. If value is missing or is equal to 0, nothing will be logged.
- MailServer - Name of server where Exchange server runs. Mandatory value
- MaxSMSLen
Maximal length of SMS message. Used for trimming reminder message to one SMS. Default value is 160 chars.
- MaxView - Time horizon for examined messages (days). Only events in given time horizon are examined. Default value is
7 days. Events with reminder set to longer horizon will never be processed. It is because their reminder time will be exprired at the time
of their examination.
- MxServer - Name of server where Mobilchange runs and where service si set up. Optional value. If not set,
name of server where service runs is used.
- Users - List of logged in users, which want to receive SMS about events. This value is automatically administered by script
running under UMS.TaskManager, which processes log in/log out requests in form of SMS message from the users. User is identified by
his e-mail address which ends by "|" char.
In current version value's length is limited to 16 384 characters, what has reason when several hundreds of users
is logged in.
- msg0_0 - text at the beginning of reminder SMS in English (MEETING REMINDER).
- msg0_1 - text at the beginning of reminder SMS in Czech (BLIZI SE SCHUZKA).
- msg0_2 - text at the beginning of reminder SMS in Polish (SPOTKANIE).
How language is selected: application tries to read user's language setting from Mobile Connection
(HKLM/Sofware/Datasys/Outlook/users/<user's phone number>). If it isn't successfull (user didn't use Mobile Connection yet),
setting from HKLM/Sofware/Datasys/Outlook/users/lng is read. Language is given by number x (0=English, 1=Czech, 2=Polish), according
this is read text from msg0_x. If language cannot be determined or msg0_x cannot be read, English text is used.
This function is available from Mobilchange version 4.0.39.
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