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Debugging and troubleshooting

If Mobilchange doesn't work correctly, you can run some of its component in debug mode. It means component doesn't run as a service but as a console application which writes messages about its work to the screen. These messages help you discover where is problem.


  1. How to run Mobilchange components in debug mode?
  2. How to set console window to be usable?
  3. How SMS is processed during sending?
  4. How SMS is processed during receiving?
  5. Special debugging options

How to run Mobilchange components in debug mode?

Most of Mobilchange server components can be run in debug mode. In this mode you can see what component really does or not.


  1. Stop and disable service to be debugged
  2. Find EXE file for this service - usually in Mobilchange/bin
  3. Run EXE file with parameter for debug mode, see table
What you can debug and using which command line:
ServiceEXE name
Mobilchange.Kernelmxkernel.exe debug (all subprocesses writing to the same window 1)
Mobilchange.Kernel (out process)mxkernel.exe out (starts outgoing SMS manager only 2)
Mobilchange.Kernel (in process)mxkernel.exe in (starts incoming SMS manager only 2)
Mobilchange.Kernel (line process)mxkernel.exe line line1 (starts line driver for line1 only 2)
Mobilchange.SMS Forwardsmsfw.exe
SMS Remindersmsrmnd.exe
Mobilchange.Gateway.SMSmxGwsms2k.exe notserv Mobilchange-Gateway-sms
Mobilchange.SmtpPop3mxsmtp.exe -d
UMS.TaskManager 3)DSServMngr.exe -debug

1) equivalent of running bin/0mxKernel!.cmd
2) equivalent of running bin/2mxKernel_multiwindow.cmd - starts all processes, every in its own window
3) see also here

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How to set console window to be usable?

Click to icon on upper left corner of command prompt window. Select Properties in displayed menu.

Set Screen Buffer Size - Height parameter on Layout tab to 9999.

Now scrollbar is created at the right window edge and window "remembers" program's output up to 9999 lines. You can mark all written text and copy it to the clipboard using Edit function in menu under corner icon.

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How SMS is processed during sending?

SMS is represented by "control" text file and by one data file in all points of processing. Control file is common text file editable for example by Notepad.

In mail/in/ and mail/out/ folders first letter determines which gateway should process this file (e,f = MS Exchange, l = Lotus Notes, s = SMTP/POP3), control file extension is CTL here.

SMS processing runs according this order:

  1. Gateway gets message from the user and save it to mail/in/ folder.
  2. Outgoing SMS manager takes message, check user's rights, moves control file to queue/out/lineX (according line, which will send the message) and data file to queue/text/lineX.
  3. Line driver searches for queue/out/lineX/*.mx files. If some file is found, it tries to send SMS referenced by this file. Then the following occurs:

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How SMS is processed during receiving?

Technology of control files etc. is the same as during SMS sending.
  1. Line driver receives SMS and stores it to queue/in/.
  2. Incoming SMS manager takes these files and searches for message recipients - see here.
  3. If message is adressed to the mail recipient, it is send him by saving it to mail/out/.

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Special debugging options

Some services can be debugged without necessity to running in debug mode. You can direct service to create logfile via registry editing, then restart service.
  1. Mobilchange.Kernel
    Kernel logging is described in this KB document.
  2. Mobilchange.SMS Forward
    SMS Forward logging is described here.
  3. SMS Reminder
    SMS Reminder logging is described here.
  4. Mobile Connection
    Can be turned on in the registry, description for MCO and for MCN.
  5. Lotus gateway
    Automatically creates ERR files in Mobilchange/mail/out/err folder. You can found information about last completed operation done by gateway in this file. When gateway is correctly terminated, ERR file is deleted. In case of error file remains in the folder and you can analyze it.
  6. Exchange gateway
    Logging of gateway 's work - in HKLM/SOFTWARE/Datasys/Mobilchange/global/exchange change GwDebugMode value from zero to one. After service restart log file C:\gwlog-mx-sms.log will be generated.
  7. Scripting application logging
    Described here. Can be used to get debug information during application development and also for application monitoring.

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