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How does MobilChange works?

This document explains the function and "back-stage" of MobilChange.


Basic principles of MobilChange

The main core of MobilChange is in the MobilChange.Kernel service. Inside its main body runs at least four basic processes:

Communication with electronic mail system is provided by e-mail gateway. In case of MS Exchange it is MobilChange.Gateway-SMS service. If you are using SMTP system, gateway is implemented by Mobilchange.SmtpPop3 service. Gateway sends messages (kernel puts them into Mobilchange\mail\out folder) to the e-mail users.

The last component is UMS.TaskManager service that is shared with the VoiceChange system. This service is responsible for starting (and keeping run) user's VBScript applications and Lotus Notes gateway.

All components communicate through a filesystem as well as FaxChange. Filesystem folder structure is described here.

UMS.Task Manager service

UMS.Task Manager service (further as Task Manager) is a manager of scripting applications. In its range are being run user's VBScript applications. Task Manager controls whether they are working correctly. If the script does not respond, it is being restarted.

Tasks run in Task Manager are as two types. First, it is "startup" tasks, which are being processed when Task Manager is startin, second, it is "running" tasks, which are being held alive by Task Manager.

Task Manager can run as a service or on the desktop. The second mode is being used especially when some new scripts are being set (debugged) because it is visible what the scripts are listing to the screen. Start of Task Manager on the desktop can be done through the Start Menu -> Programs -> MobilChange -> Scripting -> Run UMS.Task Manager in debug mode.

When the Task Manager gets the stop command ("STOP" button in the service control panel or "Ctrl-C" keys when running on the desktop), it sends the ending sequence to all application running and waits till their end and after then is ends itself. Thanks to this have all processes the possibility to save their data.

Information about UMS.Taskmanager work are written into application log; loglevel can be set in registry value HKLM/Software/Datasys/UMS/ServMngr/loglevel, value is DWORD type and can have these values:
0logging is switched off
1log error and start/stop info only
2default value; same as 1 and information about tasks, which unexpectly stopped working
3log all

This option is setting the storage path for dssrvmngr logging - HKLM/SOFTWARE/Datasys/UMS/ServMngr/logfilefolder.

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MobilChange can assign SMS sender name into incoming SMS message!

If you send SMS message to number X, MobilChange will store recipient name into registry item
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datasys\MobilChange\mobil\<phone number X>\name

so if SMS is received from this number later, MobilChange can fill the From: item by name of sender. There is a fully correct SMS address in From: item, so you can directly reply to this e-mail.

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