Installation of MobilChange with Lotus Notes gateway
Please read this text "before install - notes for Lotus Notes gateway" first.
After that you can install:
In this form is needed to enter name of administrator and default recipient of SMS.
Administator receives all information about any problem;
default recipient receives all SMS, which will not be routed to the
specific user or application.
Select the directory, where Lotus Notes client (not server!) is installed.
Enter password for user ID with manager access to address book.
ID of last logged on user is used. If necessary, log on under ID with this permission.
Description of some selections:
- Creation/updating of MobilChange databases and their access rights -
By the time of first installation are databases being copied to the selected Domino server into the DsMx directory.
When reinstalling are being updated agents, forms and views without any data loss.
- Creation of domain for SMS routing -
In this selection you choose how the GSM address will look like. We recommend as a domain name to use "GSM"
- e.g. the addresses will be in the format "Brouzda@0603704056@gsm".
If you have more than one MobilChange server on your network or this domain name already exists, please select
another name.
- Install MobilChange - Lotus Notes gateway -
Executable files copying to the local computer and setting up the working directory into the registry.
- MobilChange home mail -
Lotus Domino server where the MXLNG files will be stored.
- Use existing ID for MobilChange -
MobilChange uses an ID file for access to Lotus Domino databases. This ID file must be prepared before installation.
It is possible to share ID beetween VoiceChange, FaxChange and MobilChange.
All documents which MobilChange will send to users will be signed by this ID.
Installation progress report. If any error occurs, you will know what happened and what is reason.
Continue to the next installation steps...