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Installation of WAP connection for Outlook

This document describes how to setup WAP Connection for Outlook on your computer.

Before you start installation, please make sure that you have read Before installation document and you've installed all required Windows components.

You need to do following additional tasks before installation:

Installation of WAP Connection for Outlook can be run from Start Menu - Programs - MobilChange - Components Setup - Installation of WAP Connection for Outlook on the computer, where MobilChange server is located.

First dialog asks you for activation key. If you've entered valid key in MobilChange setup, it will be pre-filled here and you can press "Next" button.

If you haven't installed RRAS or MS IIS, you will see some of the displayed error messages. This is warning only - installation will not stop automatically.

If you want users to connect to IIS throught GSM operator's gateway, you don't need to install RRAS service. In this case you may to ignore message that RRAS is not installed.

If there is no MS IIS installed, WCfO will not work. So we recommend to cancel WCfO installation and install MS IIS first. If there is newer IIS version than 5.0, message may be displayed and you probably can ignore it.

Here you have to enter NT account name and password. This account will be used for WCfO services and it should have administrator's access to MS Exchange Server. We recommend to use the same account as MS Exchange Server is running on.

You may encounter troubles if your WCfO/MobilChange server will be in the different domain than MS Exchange Server.

This dialog asks you for running MS Outlook. When Outlook is running, press "Next" button.

Enter name of your MS Exchange Server computer.

Fill administrator's mailbox name and press "Use name" button. Setup then check the name in the MS Exchange directory.

Name and address is pre-filled by setup. If it is correct, you can press "Next" button directly.

This mailbox will be used for accessing other mailboxes in WCfO. It will be accessed under the same account as UMS.TaskManager service is running on.

Now you can see a list of your Public Folders. Only Public folders with Contact items will be displayed.

Select public folders that will be searched, if user want to search for "shared contacts".

Enter name of RRAS server. If you will not be using RRAS (and users will be connecting through GSM provider's WAP gateway and internet), enter name of computer MobilChange is running on.

Select WWW root folder. It is c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ often. You can check it in "Internet Service Manager" in properties of your web site.

You can press "Browse" button for directory browsing.

Enter primary IP address of this computer. If your computer has more than one IP address, enter address that is visible from the whole network.

This address will be entered in WAP browser's settings as address of WAP gateway. WAP gateway will send packets from this IP address.

Enter name of this computer as seen from RRAS server.

If RRAS server is installed on this computer, there is no problem. If RRAS server is located on the other computer in the network, you have to use name, that is visible in "network neighborhood" on RRAS server.

Enter list of phone numbers of RRAS ports. This number will not be used in MobilChange, it will only be inserted into help (in document "how to set WAP browser").

If there was any files in WWW root drectory with the same names as WCfO application files, it will be overwritten and their backup will be stored in bak/ directory.

Installation has been sucefully completed. Restart you computer or start service MobilChange.WapGW and you can start using WAP Connection for Outlook.

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