Help for sending SMS messages
- E-mail - entering your e-mail address is mandatory. Application tries to fill your address automatically based
on your Windows account (since MobilChange version 4.6.06).
- Address list - list of last ten SMS recipients (only recipients which had name entered)
- Phone number - recipient's phone number.
- Name - if you fill this item, recipient will be stored in Recipient list and can be used later.
- Sending method - if you select «Send to display only», message will not be stored to SIM card
on recipient's phone, it will be shown on display instead.
- Delivery report - MobilChange will send you e-mail notification right after the message will be delivered to recipient's phone.
- Don't modify SMS - don't add headers/footers - if you check it, no headers will be added to your messages. Your e-mail address
and SMS order number (if text is split into more SMSs) is added to message if this item is not checked.
Pictures in SMS message
For supported Siemens or Philips phone you may add text code into message which will be displayed on recipient's phone
as a image.
Select recipient's phone type, select the image you want and click on it by left mouse button. Text code will be added to text.
You may list through more images using «Back» and «Next» buttons.
If you want to send real picture SMS to Nokia phones, operator logo, group logo, startup image, ringing tone and so on, ask your
network administrator for mxAdvSMS application, which allow you to do so.
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