Advanced SMS - logos, ringing tones... (mxAdvSMS)
mxAdvSMS application can be used for common text SMS sending as well as operator logos, CLI icons, picture SMS, WAP settings and ringing
tones sending. You can send these types of message to Nokia phones at this time, WAP settings also to some Ericsson phones. More information about
supported message types on different phones you can see on the "Phones" tab.
Common settings - lower part of program window:
- Delivery report request (only for text messages) - delivery report will be sent to email address of the message sender
(if mobile operator supports it)
- Don't modify SMS (only for text messages) - message will be sent as it was written. It means no header will be added to SMS,
diacritics will not be removed as well as redundat spaces
- Send to display only (only for text messages) - message will not be stored to SIM, it will be visible on phone display only.
- Recipient - message recipient's phone number. Both formats +420603123456 and 60312456 are possible.
- Name of recipient (combo next to phone number) - recipient's name. It is not necessary to fill in, but if entered program can
store it for next use. Then you select recipient's name only and number will be completed automatically.
- Sender - email address of the sender, necessary for sending of delivery report
- Server - name of server, where Mobilchange runs
Text messages sending
Write text on "Text SMS" tab. Fill in settings in lower part of program windows and press Send SMS button. SMS length depends
on state of checkboxes, so allowed length can be shorter than 160 characters. If allowed length is exceeded, Mobilchange splits message to
more SMS.
Picture SMS, CLI icons and operator logos sending
Draw a picture on the appropriate tab by mouse (press left mouse button to draw or right mouse button to erase) or load picture from disc.
Finished picture you can save to disc or open it in external editor.
For picture SMS you can write some text which will be sent together with picture and select picture size. For operator's logo you must select
operator, for which logo will be displayed on recipient's phone.
WAP settings
Select phone type (in Cell phone combo) to which you want to send WAP settings. Then fill in necessary parameters. Recipient settings
(user name and password) and gateway (phone number and IP address) depends on your operator, which should give you these information.
Other parameters depends on your phone - see here for description of tested phones settings. If you have
different phone, check documentation from vendor. At the end press Send SMS button.
Ringing tone sending
Select MID file with melody on the "RingTones" tab, set ringtone type and send it by Send SMS button. MID file should be in format
mono v.0 or v.1.
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