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MobilChange UserManager - user management

Program description

Program is intended for viewing and editing information about users of Mobilchange system. These information can be stored in registry or in one of following database systems:

In upper part of program main window you can find:

menu, toolbar for controlling the program, line with column headings (which also works as sort buttons), line with editable boxes for selecting lines (filter).
In the central part of program window are displayed data about individual users.
There is a status bar in bottom part of window with 3 numbers: first is sequence number of the first displayed line, then sequence number of the last displayed line and finally total number of lines. All numbers are related to filter after sorting.

Toolbar buttons description (from the left to right):

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Sorting items

Data can be sorted according column in ascending or descending order. Sorting occurs when button with column heading is pressed. Program allows sorting according to most of columns (you can not sort by month or daily limits, password, priority). You can never sort according to columns where values can be inherited from group.

Filtering items

Filtering means displaying only part of information stored in database. You can enter texts, which acts as selecting condition, into editable boxes in upper part of program window (under buttons, one box for every column). Program allows these types of selection:

Every user belongs to one group. If he doesn't belong to any group (group name was entered in wrong way or group was deleted), values are inherited from default group ($Gdefault) and they are displayed by different color. Problem arises, when group name is incorrect and we are sorting/filtering according to column, where values can be inherited from group. In such case lines with incorrect group AREN'T displayed.

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Program settings

Program reads data about its setting and database location during startup from MxUserManager_ENU.ini file. It tries to read the same data from the registry key HKCU\SOFTWARE\DATASYS\MobilChange\MxUserManager of computer, where it was run.

If any value in registry doesn't exist, reading is stopped. If any value in INI file doesn't exist, program stops.
All items read from MxUserManager_ENU.ini and rewritten by registry items are stored into registry of computer, where program was run, at program ending.
Program reads during startup some items also from the registry of Mobilchange server computer, whose name is entered using Setup - Database location - Server name menu. This dialog appears. For local computer use real computer name or empty string (don't use localhost).

Database location is determined by dialog box, which can be displayed from Setup – Database location menu.

Before data are displayed on the client PC, server must read data from database, sort them and send though the network to client. Refresh rate (in seconds) is minimal amount of time between two consequential cases of data reading, sorting a sending. By other words: program reads displayed range of lines after elapsing the adjusted number of seconds from the last reading operation (data could be changed by other administrator or program). It doesn't matter if last reading was caused by user action or time limit reaching.

Data transfer is number between 100 and 1000 (numbers out of this range are ignored). During screen refresh server sends displayed lines and certain number of lines above and under them. Data transfer is this "certain number of lines". If number is low (100), server must send data during screen scrolling relatively often, but amount of data is relatively low. If number is high (1000), server sends data cca 10 times less often, but amount is cca 10 times bigger. Server does approximatelly the same work during sending no matter how many lines it sends. New data are sent after every editing (e.g. after changing one value in one row).

User database can be stored in registry or database server. Information about database location can be read from Mobilchange server (RECOMMENDED - only in this case you feel sure of editing the correct database). If Database location is set to ODBC connection, database connection is driven by dialog which appears after ODBC setup button pressing (see bellow). If database is located in registry, you must enter computer name which registry holds database.

ODBC connection is configured by following dialog box.

Program can work with database located in registry, MS SQL server or Oracle. Every database uses different SQL commands, so database type must be set correctly even when information about database are taken from Mobilchange server registry. Connection string is value used for database connection and opening.

Selecting and reading data item must be chosen with consideration for your database - Oracle (version 8 or older) is not able to read data in one step.

Sorting of displayed data is significantly faster, if you are sorting according to column which values aren't inherited from group. Using Sorting option you can enable/disable sorting according such columns.

Primary key set by this program - usually it is more suitable to let database to calculate primary key for new records. It is possible to store current value of primary key in registry of selected computer and increment it after new record creation.

Program warns about invalid settings in this dialog. If database isn't available in moment of pressing OK button, program allows to continue, will report errors and after all dialogs closing will not be able to show data.
Settings for Oracle database is described here.

ATTENTION - database location is valid only for MxUserManager!!!!! It doesn't switch Mobilchange to use database during its working!!!
Mobilchange stores data about users usualy into registry after installation. If you want to switch to database, you must change some settings in the registry. Description how to do it you can find here.

Other program settings

If you want to change list of columns, which are displayed, press the fourth button from right side in the toolbar. Then dialog with column list is showed and you can do modifications - columns can be disabled/enabled, change their description and set its order (by mouse) and location. When column is modified, you must press Assign, otherwise changes aren't accepted. At the end press OK and program windows is repainted according your changes.

If value in the column is inherited from group, text "Inherit from group" is displayed on color background in the column. If you need to see real value without showing group properties, press yellow down arrow in the toolbar (the second button from right side). Inherited value will be displayed.

Color settings can be changed in Setup - Appearance menu. You are allowed to change font and foreground/background color of all items what program displays.

In Edit - Read data from CSV file menu you can import data into database from CSV file. Delimiter doesn't have to be comma only, but also semicolon, tabulator or "|" sign - you can choose. Information about import is logged into selected file. Meaning of individual columns in CSV file:
Sequence Meaning Enabled values
1 ID - user identifier in database leave empty - generated automaticaly
2 user's email valid address in SMTP format
3 account type 0-special user, 1-mail, 2-application, 3-group, 4-RegExp user
4 gateway for this user a-Application, e-Exchange, l-Lotus Notes, s-SMTP, x-Application
5 mobile phone - informative character string
6 SMTP access password character string
7 group name which is user member of group name starting with $G. If you enter non-existent group, user will be created without error, but probably he meet problems during Mobilchange use - move him to existing group.
8 can user to use Mobilchange? -1=inherit from group, 0=disabled, 1=enabled
9 can user access SMTP receiver? -1=inherit from group, 0=disabled, 1=enabled
10 user's language user's language or * for group inheritance
11 send DR to the user? -1=inherit from group, 0=disabled, 1=enabled
12 send NDR to the user? -1=inherit from group, 0=disabled, 1=enabled
13 send information about sending to the user? -1=inherit from group, 0=disabled, 1=enabled
14 limitation of SMS number from email SMS number or -1 for group inheritance
15 always send SMS from this user as "nomodify" -1=inherit from group, 0=disabled, 1=enabled
16 priority limitation, stored as bitmask bits 1-0 low, 3-2 normal, 5-4 high; 00 = disabled, 01 = enabled, 11 = inherit from group
17 allowed numbers for sending SMS regular expression for allowed numbers; not allowed number is forbidden; -- means inherit from group
18 list of lines allowed for sending list of lines separated by comma or * for all lines or -- for group inheritance
19 user's origin 0 = automaticaly created by mxKernel; 1 = synchronized with EX; 2 = synchronized with LDAP; 3 = manualy created; 4 = manualy created, then synchronized with LDAP
20 sent SMS archivation -1=inherit from group, 0=archive, 1=do not archive
21 user editation detection 0-was edited, 1-wasn't edited yet
22 SMS number sent by the user 0
23 sent SMS total cost 0
24 sent SMS cost day limit day limit or -1=no limit, -2=inherit from group
25 cost for SMS sent today 0
26 sent SMS cost month limit month limit or -1=no limit, -2=inherit from group
27 cost for SMS sent this month 0
28 display name - as received from email system character string
29 first name character string
30 surname character string
31 user ID character string
32 division ID character string
33 phone number character string
34 fax number character string
35 email addresa was entered manualy and will not be changed during synchronization 0-wasn't entered manualy, 1-was entered manualy
36 division character string
37 section character string
38 job character string
39 street character string
40 town character string
Example of one line in CSV file:
;;1;e;603280123;pass;$Gdefault;1;0;cz;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;63;--;--;3;-1;0;0;0;-2;0;-2;0;Charles Novak;Charles;Novak;312487;0;225308123;225308523;1;IT;network management;technician;15th Avenue 236;New York

Existing database content can be verified by Edit - Verify database contents function. Result is written into selected log file.

Language of UserManager interface is selected automaticaly according Windows regional settings.

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User management

Program shows list of all users (including special) after startup. When you press button for group displaying, list of groups is displayed. Here you can set properties which will be inherited to individual users.
Record types:

All record types can be created manually by pressing New user button in toolbar (or Edit - Create menu). On the Basic tab you must fill at least Email and user group, which user will be member of.
Additionaly you can fill Displayed name (for group you can enter here email address of group owner for statistics sending), Division ID (for accounting) and SMTP password for SMTP receiver (if you are using it).
In Communication frame select if user will be sent information mails about SMS sending/delivering/undelivering or if setting will be inherited from his group. Priority of SMS for this user is set in the same way in Priority frame.
Similarly you can set parameters User can use MX, Direct access to SMTP, Don't change email and Language.
Gateway depends on your email system - e/s/l/a for Exchange/SMTP/Lotus Notes/application (doesn't require email system).
Additionaly it is possible to set SMS number limit which is message from user split to, if it is longer than one SMS length, or it can be inherited from group (Maximum number of SMS per email). Also you can set daily and monthly limits of sent SMS number or inherit it from group. Other items are informative - total/daily/monthly number of sent SMS and costs for them (values apears when user sends some SMS).

Additional information parameters can be defined on Additional tab - phone numbers to which is user allowed send SMS (given by regular expression or link to file with list of number, see below), which lines can user use for SMS sending and if his messages will be archived. All these settings can be inherited from group. Other data about user are informational - name, surname, address, division, phone numbers.

New group is created in the same way (the same dialog), but in this case you MUST NOT set any of parameters to "Inherits" value (group can not inherit settings from another group). Program checks this and informs about errors.


Inside "Allowed numbers" items can be entered regular expression or also filename with list of numbers. File is entered in form @filename.txt, so it is introduced by "at" character. File must be stored in MobilChange/data folder.

It has the following format:

File example with explanation of every line:
	420603123456	;number +420603123456 allowed
	420604*		;all numbers starting with +420604 allowed
	-42160*112233	;numbers starting with +42160 and ending with 112233 are prohibited no matter what is between start and end
	-422*		;all numbers starting with +422 prohibited
	-4206032800??	;numbers +4206032800xx prohibited, xx means any two numbers
	-*		;all numbers prohibited

File is evaluated from the top to the bottom. When first rule which matches the number is found (no matter whether it allows or prohibits), processing is finished. If no matching rule is found, number is prohibited. If it should be vice-versa, use * as the last rule.

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Program limitations

PRIORITY column contains three indepent values. Every of them can be inherited from group. Therefore rectangle of the whole column can not be colored according to inheritance from the group. Filter can not be set to values inherited from the group. If priorities are enabled, they get values L (low), N (normal), H (high) in this order. So line can look like this:

There can be - (hyphen) instead of a letter, it means priority is disabled. For example if low priority is enabled, normal is disabled and high is enabled, line looks like:
L – H

If setting is inherited from group, there is a I letter at this position. If you are filtering records according to Priority, you can use:
L N H (low enabled, normal enabled, high enabled)
- - H (low disabled, normal disabled, high enabled)
I I H (low inherited, normal inherited, high enabled)

Unlike from other columns, selected letter or hyphen filters only value from the record, not value inherited from the group. It means that L N H selection shows only records, where L N H priorities are assigned directly no matter if records with value inherited from group also contains L N H values.

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