Introduction (start reading here, please)
This document is here for you to find out the basics and to show you the right
places in this documentation. After having done reading of it, let us recommend you
to read the following text "How does MobilChange works?".
What is and what is not MobilChange?
MobilChange is a powerful server for mobile communication. In the present version are
these feature ready for you:
- SMS sending from the e-mail environment (MS Outlook,
MS Exchange client, Lotus Notes, common SMTP/POP3 client...)
- Access to mailbox or company information system from mobile phone by using
SMS, SIM Toolkit or WAP.
- Cooperation with (non) delivery reports supplied by GSM operators.
To each sent SMS you can receive confirmation when your message has
reached the recipient. This is function which is not often
offered by (free) WWW->SMS or E-mail->SMS gateway.
- SMS receiving to the e-mail environment (MS Outlook,
MS Exchange client, Lotus Notes, common SMTP/POP3 client...)
- Automatical routing of received SMS according to RegExp rules, routing to the last
sender, given number etc.
- Service of script applications which give answers to received SMS
(requests to information systems etc.).
- Information systems integration.
Following information can be found at
MobilChange web.
MobilChange Administration
MobilChange administration is quite simple. Opposite to FaxChange it is not necessary (but possible) to administer
user database. Everything about MobilChange administration can be found
MobilChange Programming and Extending
MobilChange is very flexible. But if standard functions are not enough, user himself can upgrade
functionality of MobilChange by adding VBS applications.
MobilChange programming introduction can be found
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