Using mxAdvSMS from command line
mxAdvSMS application serves for sending text and picture SMS and ring tones (see more in description
for users). But it can be also called noninteractively from command line, for example from batch for bulk message sending.
Attention - run from command line is possible only with Enterprise version of Mobilchange!!
Common syntax is as following:
mxadvsms -s:server -e:email -n:phone_number [-t:message] [-p:picture] [-f:n] [-wi:wap_set] [-wb:y]...
- -o: file - name of text file for logging purposes. Program writes here "OK" or "ERROR - problem description" according to
the operation result. E.g. -o:d:\tmp\mxadvsms.log
- -s: Mobilchange server for message sending
- -e: e-mail of the sender
- -n: recipient's phone number
- -t: messsage text
- -c: operators' code for logo sending (e.g. 23001 = T-Mobile CZ)
- -p: file with bmp picture (sends picture SMS with text)
- -f: picture SMS format, values: 0 = 72x28 Nokia Smart Messaging, 1 = 16x16 EMS, 2 = 32x32 EMS,
3 = 72x28 EMS, 4 = 72x36 EMS
- -l: file with bmp logo (sends logo)
- -i: file with bmp CLI icon (sends CLI icon)
- -m: ring tone file in MIDI format (mono v.0 or v.1), e.g. -m:d:\tmp\test.mid
- WAP settings
- -wi: WAP setting name
- -wu: user name
- -wp: user password
- -ww: URL of homepage
- -wd: description of homepage
- -wa: IP address; example: -wa:
- -wg: gateway phone number; example: -wg:+420602246578
- -wb: Bearer type, values: y,1,n,0; data -wb:y, SMS -wb:n
- -wc: Call type, values: y,1,n,0; analog -wc:y, ISDN -wc:n
- -we: Speed, values: y,1,n,0; 9600 -we:y, 14000 -we:n
- -ws: Dial-in security, values: y,1,n,0; PAP -ws:y, CHAP -ws:n
Parameter -? shows help.
Example of ring tone sending:
mxadvsms -s:etha -n:+420605186773 -m:D:\tmp\midi\blackdog.mid -o:d:\tmp\mxadvsms.log
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