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Access from the phones without SIM Toolkit menu - via SMS

This application gives an opportunity to a cell phone user to access some selected information and services of the mail server, to which he gets connected usually through his mail client - in this case we are talking about MS Exchange server. Access to these informations have only those users, who are registered on the mail server and have the right cell phone number set in their mailbox.

These informations and services are supported in present time:

Common command format is "?<command><parameters>" (always WITHOUT quotations). Parameters can be optionally separated by space. It is necessary only if it would modify the command.

User's contacts and company's contacts

Access to these informations is very similar because it differs only with the location. Basic commands for the access are: Due to the fact that each contact can contain many information, it is possible to set a limit for searching and improve its speed or to enhance the searching itself to not so often used items. For this reason are three levels pre-defined: basic commands enhancement (the letter "x" means in this case the BASIC command, e.g. "a" or "g"): As a parameter is filled one or more searched words separated by space. Those can be any strings whose representation is being verified in targeted items that are being searched (e.g. surname or its part, e-mail address or its part, any phone number or its part). Searching is not case sensitive.
Enhanced searching"?xa" is not case sensitive so it is possible to use it for searching through the phone numbers or texts, where we are not sure about space dividing.

Every contact goes back as a separate SMS, the number of returned contacts is limited with script setting (ex: 5 contacts found - see MCO installation). If more matching records are found, a special message is sent with the number of found contacts that recommends the user to give a better specification of his request.

Returned information is in format "Display Name(available informations)". Available informations are in this order:


"?an mala" - person searching in personal contacts due to surname - all of user's contats that contain in "Display Name" substring "mala" (complying "Malá" or "Hemala").

"?g" - person(s) searching due to e-mail (or its part) - all company's contacts who has an e-mail by Datasys company, s. r. o. (that could be more than 5 persons so we get summary count of Datasys employees with valid e-mail account).

"?ga 0603123456" - person searching by number - all company's contacts that contain searched phone number.

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Access to all of planned appointments. Basic command is: The command can be enhanced of the day specification in two formats: "Offset" can be max. two-ciphers number. Space is not needed. So the format is always "year(optional) month day", the year can be two-cipher string (counting to 2000), the month and date can be one or two-ciphers. Each items must be separated by space.

Each meeting returns as a separated SMS. The count of returned meetings is not restricted.

Returned information is in format "1/3 #id# 31.12.00 15:30-16:00 L:where S:what F:from T:text".
The meaning of each item is as follows:

If we want to receive more detailed info about the meeting - usually complete description restricted only with the number of sent SMSs (MobilChange setting), we use this command: The text of a message will be modified in accordance with SMS dictionaries (removing of redundant spaces and empty lines, replacing defined words by there shortcuts).

"ID" parameter is being proccessed as a text so it must be enterd completelly, including zeros at the beginning.


"?c 1" - all tomorrow's meetings.

"?c 4 22" - all meetings from 22nd April actual year.

"1/3 #0003# 22.4.00 15:00-16:00 L:Albertov S:Tenis F:Ivan Lendl T:..." - sample message (or the first of three messages), that we could receive as a response to the previous request and which we can use as base for request for detailed informations about this meeting. "ID" parameter is in this case "0003".

If the cell phone doesn't allow to use the received SMS, it is possible to enter a new (equivalent) command "?c #0003#" or "?c 0003" only.

Meeting creation

Enhanced command format (values separated with space): Creates a new meeting and invites partners.

[separator] - one of the characters ".", ":" or "*". Optional but if used, it has to be unique in the whole message, (so if I use a ":" at first, I have to use it always further). Allows to enter a text with spaces not containing selected separator as an argument. If not used, only one word without any space is taken as an argument. If entered, the argument is the whole text next to following separator (except the letter in front of following separator).


"?cn 16 ..." - meeting today at 16 o'clock.

"?cn 15:30 4 ..." - meeting at 15.30, current month 4th.

"?cn 8 701" - meeting at 8 am, July 1st this year.

"?cn 9:30 10401" - meeting at 9.30 am, April 1st 2001.

"?cn 11:00 19991224" - meeting at 11 am, 24th December 1999.

Samples - arguments

"?cn ... D90 ..." - meeting with 90 minutes duration.

"?cn ...;" - to the meeting will be invited partners a

"?cn ... R:Agassi Andre;Lendl Ivan S: ..." - to the meeting will be invited partners Agassi Andre and Lendl Ivan. Behind the type of argument was now used a separator, so it is possible to use spaces in the name of partners. To recognize partners in this format they must be stored in Exchange Global Address List (not in Contacts!). Further it is shown that in the next argument (and all following) must be used the same separator.

"?cn ...L1.floor .." - behind the type of argument (place of meeting) isn't a separator used, so it's not possible to use space, but you can use a dot though because the word till the first space behaves itself as an argument. We suppose that in none of previous arguments wasn't used a separator. (Similar for "S ...".)

"?cn ...L:1. floor T: ..." - in the place of meeting is used a space, so it's necessary to use a separator and next is used a dot so it's not possible to use it as a separator, resp. as a separator is used ":" so this mark cannot be used in the place of meeting. But in the following arguments must be used separator either (Similar for "S: ...".).

"?cn ... T:meeting description" - a separator was used so it's possible to use a spaces.

"?cn ... Tmeeting description" - a separator is not used but spaces are though. This is possible in the case, when in the whole message was not a separator used and the argument of meeting description is the last (no further are not to be detected).

Samples - complete meeting creation

"?cn 16 D120; SMastership LAlbertov THosted by Datasys - creates a new meeting today at 16:00, duration of 120 minutes, invites partners and, subject is Mastership, place of meeting Albertov and description "Hosted by Datasys".

"?cn 17:30 1224 R:Santa;Claus S:Xmas L:Prague T:Bring something!" - 24th December, 17:30, 30 minutes (default), separator by partners, so necessary at following arguments.

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Access to Inbox folder. Basic command is: If only unread messages are required (which is default for basic command), the sort order is from the oldest message to newer ones.

Enhanced command form is: "?m offset [r|u|a] [h|n|l|a]". All items are optional (default values are listed further), but if any is entered, must be entered all previous. Meaning of each item is as follows:

Informations about all e-mails is being chained to the only one SMS, so that info about one e-mail is in this format:
"2/5 #id#" F:from S:subject". Meaning of each item is as follows: If we want to receive detailed info about the message - usually the message text limited with the summary limit of sent SMS (MobilChange setting), we can use this command: The text of a message will be modified in accordance with SMS dictionaries (removing of redundant spaces and empty lines, replacing defined words by shortcuts).

"ID" parameter is being handled as text so it must be entered complete with the zeros at the beginning.


"?m 1 a" - all yesterday's messages with no regarding to their priority.

"?m 0 u h" - today's unread messages with a high priority.

"1/1 #0004# S:Today on Albertov" - sample of message that we could receive as a response to the previous request which contains informations about only one e-mail and which can be used as base for request for more detailed info about this e-mail. "ID" parameter is in this case "0004". If the message contained informations about more e-mails and we would have used it as a request we would have received informations about one e-mail (from the listed) only.

If the cell phone doesn't allow to re-use received SMS, or if the incoming message contains informations about more e-mails, it is possible to enter a new, equal, command "?m #0004#" or only "?m 0004", where we enter only suitable "ID".

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Send message

Mail message sending. Basic command is: Sending is realized as a mail message from the cell phone owner's mailbox to the list of recipients. In the case that one or more recipients won't be recognized, the message of non-recognized recipients will be sent as SMS to the cell phone. In the case that none of recipients will be recognized, a mail message won't be sent. The confirmation about sending will be sent only if the administrator enable sending of confirmations. The successfully sent mail message will be stored in the folder "Sent Items".

[separator] - one of the characters ".", ":" or "*". Optional but if used, it has to be unique in the whole message, (so if I use a ":" at first, I have to use it always further). Allows to enter a text with spaces not containing selected separator as an argument. If not used, only one word without any space is taken as an argument. If entered, the argument is the whole text next to following separator (except the letter in front of following separator).


"?e S:Match in Sydney T:We'll meet there - send mail message to the mail address "" with the subject "Match in Sydney" and with the text "We'll meet there".

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Reply for incoming mail message. Basic command is: The answer is sent as a mail message from cell phone owner's mailbox to the address of sender of original mail message. Original message is offset and inserted behind the response text.


Request: "?m" - all unerad messages
Response: "?m 1/1 #0004# S:Today on Albertov"
Request: "?m 0004" - more detailed info about message "0004".
Response: "D:9.5.00 8:00 S:Today on Albertov T:Meet me at 10h. Take a racket for me."
Action: "?r 0004 settled" - response to message "0004".

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Mail message forwarding. Basic command is: Forwarding is realized as a mail message from the cell phone owner's mailbox to the list of recipients. Original message is offset and inserted behind the reply text. Forwarding includes all attachments.

In the case that one or more recipients won't be recognized, the message of non-recognized recipients will be sent as a SMS to the cell phone.


"?f 0004; Expecting you." - message "0004" forward to both addresses listed above with the entered text.

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Respond (Meeting Request)

Respond for incoming meeting request. Basic command is: The answer is sent as a respond for meeting request from cell phone owner's mailbox to the address of sender of original mail message. Original message is offset and inserted behind the response text.


Request: "?m" - all unerad messages
Response: "1/1 #0004# 9.5.00 8:00-8:30 S:Today on Albertov L:Albertov"
Request: "?m 0004" - more detailed info about message "0004".
Response: "9.5.00 8:00-8:30 S:Today on Albertov L:Albertov T:Meet me at 10h. Take a rocket for me."
Action: "?ma 0004 settled" - accept meeting request "0004".

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Language settings

Basic command is: Current version support only two languages: EN - english and CZ czech.

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'Out of office' flag settings

Basic command is: The result of settings of 'Out of office' flag is sent back to the user.

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Brief help

Brief help can be sent through the command: Optional items are marked with [ ] and more options are separated with a pipe ( | ). Sample: "?a[n|a] [text]" - "?a" command enhancement of following character is optional, and it can be touching the command "?an" or "?aa"; "text" argument is also optional.


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