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umsMonitor - monitor of actual state of MobilChange

UmsMonitor is tool for monitoring actual state of Datasys UMS products. You can run it from Start Menu -> Programs -> VoiceChange -> UmsMonitor. It display informations like these:

Every supported product (MobilChange a VoiceChange here) has its own tab. We can see a list of components on active tab. Information about selected component is displayed on the right. There is a actual state, last done or statistics.

Actual state is action, which is in progress right now. I.e. "playing a message", "sending a SMS" etc.

Last done is last fully completed action. For example - "message for line 222 was received", "SMS for 5645644644 was sent"...

Statistics show some statistic data like "number of SMS sent during last hour is 10".

Messages older than ten seconds have time displayed in green color. Newer messages are red.

We can also select grouping by states:

In this case, only one message class is displayed (here "Last done" message), but all components of selected product are displayed.
Some of GSM modules (for example Ericsson GC25, R320) are able to show intensity of GSM network signal in UMS monitor (Line X signal). Signal intensity is shown in linear scale of 0-6 units (presence of signal is marked by ">" sign, absence of signal by "." (dot)). Value in UMS monitor doesn't match to value displayed by GSM telephone - phones use logarithmic scale, usually 0-4 units.
Character used for displaying of signal presence can be changed in the registry value HKLM/Software/Datasys/Mobilchange/line/lineX/SignalYes (> by default), character for absence of signal is in value HKLM/Software/Datasys/Mobilchange/line/lineX/SignalNo (. by default), where X means line number.

In both modes we can use following tools:

You have to be logged as the administrator from remote computer or you have to have mapped disk from this computer, if you want UmsMonitor to be working correctly and to read information from remote computer. You have to be logged into your computer as user with administrative rights on UMS server -- otherwise UmsMonitor won't work correctly. If you have problem with connecting to remote machine, try to connect any share from it with "user name" set to UMS server administrator's name.

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