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How to translate MobilChange into other language? |
subdirectory of MobilChange tree.
There is one subdirectory for each language supported. Copy content of UK/
directory (english texts) into new directory named according your language code.
There are about twenty of TXT documents, grouped into pairs.
contain text of e-mail sent to user
contain subject of that e-mail.
Translate every file into your language. There are variables in text marked in 'per cent' character (%) - for example %name%. These variables will be substitued by correct text (for example %name% -> sender name). Do not translate words between per cent characters!
and export registry key
into text file (named for example MyTranslation.reg).
Open the text file in Notepad (or other text editor you like). You'll seen text like this:
REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Datasys\MobilChange\language\UK] "charset_server"="latin1" "charset_client7"="gsm" "charset_client8"="latin1" "error_1"="No available routing found for this number" "error_2"="SMS %d of this mail can't be send. Next parts will not be send. Driver returns error: \"%s\"." "log_1"="Task stopped." "log_2"="Task started." "log_3"="No active lines found!" "log_4"="Error in file [%s]: can't found item [%s]" "log_5"="File [%s] has bad format of filename" "log_6"="%s - unsupported format" "log_7"="No routing found" "log_8"="No routing for recipient [%s]" "log_9"="User [%s] is not allowed to use MobilChange" "log_10"="Loading task [%s] from file [%s]" "log_11"="[%s]: invalid regexp [%s]" "log_12"="API version %.2f required. Version %.2f found." "log_13"="Registry version %.2f required. Version %.2f found." "log_14"="Conversion table [%s] is invalid" "w_0"="Su" "w_1"="Mon" "w_2"="Tue" "w_3"="Wed" "w_4"="Thu" "w_5"="Fri" "w_6"="Sat" "m_0"="January" "m_1"="February" "m_2"="March" "m_3"="April" "m_4"="May" "m_5"="June" "m_6"="July" "m_7"="August" "m_8"="September" "m_9"="October" "m_10"="November" "m_11"="December" "am"="am" "pm"="pm" "format"="%hr12%:%min%%ampm%, %dayt% %mont% %day%, %year4%"You should change text "UK" on the third line to your language code. Then edit every text items started with "log_", "error_", "w_", "m_" and items "am" and "pm".
The last thing you've to do: specify the date-and-time text format. This can be done in "format" item. You can use following variables:
The "%hr12%:%min%%ampm%, %dayt% %mont% %day%, %year4%" formating string used above can (for example) result in text "11:25pm, Wed October 12, 1995".
After changes are done, double-click this REG file. Information will be imported into registry and MobilChange can use it. Also, please, send all of translations to Datasys.