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WAP application programming |
WAP pages are written in WML language. WML is a specific kind of XML language. It seems like a HTML, with some exceptions -- for example, all of tag must have the appropriate ending tag.
WML format is very good described here
You have to set your MS IIS to publish WML documents as a "text/vnd.wap.wml" MIME content-type, or you can write the pages as a ASP pages - and specify the content-type within your code. We recommend to use the following code on the beginning of WAP page:
<% Response.ContentType = "text/vnd.wap.wml": Response.Buffer = True %> <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC '-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN' ''>
If you are using Microsoft RRAS server as a dial-up server and a MobilChange WAP gateway, you can read an account name of connected user. This name is sent in HTTP header in UserId item. This item can be read from ASP using the following code:
UserName = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_UserId")
We recommend you to use any of WAP browser simulators for WAP application development. It is much easier and cheaper than usage of mobile phone. WAP browser simulator is included in Phone.Com SDK (compatible with Siemens, Alcatel and Motorola mobile phones), or you can also download simulator for Nokia and Ericsson phones.