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SmsExpander - bulk SMS sending

SmsExpander is tool which receives CSV file on the input with SMS messages to be sent and it creates requests for SMS sending through MobilChange from this file. Tool is not included on the standard CD but is distributed to the clients (typically to banks) on demand.
SmsExpander brings following advantages opposite to direct requests creation in MobilChange input folder:

Function description

SmsExpander is installed as umsTaskManager process and it is run in regular intervals.

It checks input folder for source *.sms files on startup. If any file is found, it starts to create SMS for sending from this file.
After every processed line of the file records position into registry and after repeated start it checks this position together with file name - so if processing is interrupted for any reason, in the worst case one SMS can be duplicated. But no message could be lost or no more messages could be duplicated.

If there is too many messages waiting for sending in MobilChange queues, expander exits and will continue on next start. Three queues can be checked.

Application sets no delivery report for SMS being sent. If you want to process confirmation of delivery to the target mobile phone, use ADbExp application.

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Format of SMS message file

It is standard text file in Windows 1250 encoding. Individual items are separated by semicolons. Lines are terminated by <CR><LF> sequence.

Filename can be any, but must have sms extension (e.g. 514654654.sms).

Application doesn't check file sharing, so we recommend to create file in given folder with different extension and after filling up and closing rename to *.sms.

Every line consists of these items:

  1. record ID – must be unique inside one file; can contain only English alphabet letters and numbers
  2. fixed text "email" (without quotations)
  3. priority – "normal", "high", "low" (without quotations)
  4. subject of SMS – can be empty
  5. text of the message (must not contain <CR>,<LF> and semicolon characters)
  6. fixed text "0" (without quotations)
  7. fixed text "0" (without quotations)
  8. sender's name (will be visible in queue management); can be same as filed 9
  9. sender's e-mail address (to whom will be SMS charged)
  10. empty item
  11. recipien't phone number, in full international format without spaces (+420603123456)

Example of two lines in the file:

10010;email;high;;This is test SMS.;0;0;test;;;+420603280030
10011;email;low;;Second SMS;0;0;xxx;;;+420603899285

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Configuration of application is stored under registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Datasys\MobilChange\SMSExpander.
Item Description Example
_MaxRunTime Maximum length of single application's run. Must be lower than check interval (timeout) and run period in umsTaskCfg. In seconds. 100
_MaxQ1Files Maximum number of files in checked folder Q1 2000
_MaxQ2Files Maximum number of files in checked folder Q2 2000
_MaxQ3Files Maximum number of files in checked folder Q3 2000
_MaxQ1Path Mask for definition of checked folder Q1 and files inside c:\mobilchange\queue\out\line1\*.mx
_MaxQ2Path Mask for definition of checked folder Q2 and files inside c:\mobilchange\queue\out\line2\*.mx
_MaxQ3Path Mask for definition of checked folder Q3 and files inside c:\mobilchange\queue\out\line3\*.mx
pathIn Folder name where *.sms files are searched. Must be the same as input folder of MobilChange. c:\mobilchange\mail\in\

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